Dance Policy

In addition to the Event Planning Procedures outlined in the Campus Event Policy在美国,主办舞蹈的组织必须遵守以下准则. Requests for exceptions to this Dance Policy, in whole or in part, must be clearly indicated on the required Event Planner. 适当的实体将根据具体情况作出书面决定, within the Event Planning Meeting. These decisions will be final.

  1. The sponsoring organization must be:
    • 获本校认可并有良好信誉的学生组织;
    • An Associated Students, Inc. commission or committee;
    • The University Student Union Programming Board or Multicultural Center Programming Board; or
    • The California Academy of Math and Science.
  2. 主办单位最多可提前6个月预约舞蹈. 如果在活动前不到六(6)周提出预订请求,则禁止预订舞蹈.
  3. 舞会的活动策划会议必须在活动开始前至少四(4)周举行. 由于舞会的安全安排,这一项将没有例外. 建议这些舞会会议提前六(6)周举行!
  4. Dances may extend to 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Wednesday, until Midnight on Thursdays, and to 1:00 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.
  5. The L.A. County Fire Marshal determines the maximum capacity for a facility. 主办机构将负责确保出席人数符合最大容量数字. 学生生活和大学警察办公室以及设施管理员可以根据组织历史和/或在所需的活动规划会议上提供的信息确定较低的最大容量, and/or for the purposes of event and facility management and security.
  6. 目前注册的科罗拉多州立大学多明格斯山分校的学生和客人将被录取. CSUDH学生必须提供有效的CSUDH学生证和当前学期的验证贴纸. 华南理工大学学生可同时邀请两(2)位嘉宾入场. CSUDH students are responsible for the behavior of their guests. 客人必须年满18岁,并出示带照片的身份证件.
  7. Ticket sales:
    • 希望提前售票的组织应在活动策划会议上与学生生活办公室和州立大学警察讨论安排.
    • 在门口出售/收取的门票/入场费将需要一个现金箱,手印和/或门票.
  8. 主办单位代表将协调活动管理. The sponsoring organization must designate in advance an event manager.
  9. There is no reentry after exiting the dance. 因紧急原因请求离开和重新参加舞会的个人,将由主办组织按个别例外情况处理,或由活动规划会议决定.
  10. 主办机构有责任将舞蹈的宣传和推广限制在校园内. Off-campus publicity and promotion of any kind is not allowed. Publicity and promotion must include sponsoring organization name(s), event location name, start time, 信息联系电话号码,并且必须注明仅供持有有效身份证件的当前在校生及其客人(每位学生2人)入场。.
  11. 顾问和赞助组织的活动经理必须在预定活动开始前30分钟与活动现场的设施代表和大学警察联系. 顾问和赞助机构的活动经理未能亲自联系,可能导致预定的活动被取消. 此外,还应理解,顾问和活动经理将在整个活动期间保持在场.
  12. 大学警察决定并负责雇用适当数量的大学警察,费用由赞助组织承担. 大学警察可能会决定是否需要从外部获得额外的安全保障, also at the expense of the sponsoring organization(s).
  13. 赞助组织可能负责雇用大学管理人员负责课外活动,并通过学生会活动计划预订流程进行协调. 所有活动费用的支付或资金必须在相关学生处存入押金, Inc. 或在活动获批准前存入基金会办公室帐户(适用于希腊信社或荣誉/服务社). 如果赞助组织没有基金会帐户,希腊组织可以向学生会提供活动全部估计费用的押金。.
  14. 主办机构将承担任何与活动有关的设施损坏的经济责任.
  15. Two (2) weeks prior to the event or sooner, 活动经理提供合同和所有宣传材料的副本,供学生生活和学生会办公室审查, prior to release of any publicity.
  16. 接受联合学生公司资助的学生组织. all funds must be on deposit in an Associated Students Inc. Account. 希腊字母组织必须在活动前两(2)周向学生会存入资金. Events may be cancelled without a timely deposit.
  17. Organizations funded through Associated Students, Inc. 向联合学生公司的副主任提交一份完整的资金账目. within three business days after the event. This statement must include: source of funding, number in attendance, total collected revenue, total expenditures, and purpose for which funds have been used. 所有的收入和支出必须通过联合学生副主任进行, Inc. 他/她将在帐户中进行适当的分录,并将这些表格转交给基金会办公室,由相关学生存入或支付, Inc. accounts.

Signed Acknowledgement

At the conclusion of Event Planning Meetings for dances, 需要确认舞蹈政策已被审查,以确保项目的清晰度和政策的依从性. The Dance Policy Acknowledgement Form is provided below:

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